Advocacy at the Latin Grammy Awards

"My free body for a free country." -@MonLaferte

While walking the red carpet in Las Vegas for the #LatinGrammyAwards last night, many artists used their moment in front of the cameras to raise awareness through their fashion:⠀

•Mexican-Chilean artist, @MonLaferte staged a protest against the violence in Chile by revealing the painted message "En chile torturan violan y matan" ("They're torturing, raping and killing in Chile") on her bare chest. Her protest calls out all of the brutal treatment demonstrators have received by police in recent weeks. ⠀

•@ÁlexAnwandter used his time to demand justice as well. He walked the red carpet holding a sign that read: "Sabía ud que en chile… se violan los derechos humanos?" ("Did you know that in Chile, human rights are being violated?") ⠀

@RobertVogu protested against xenophobia in his home country of Venezuela (and everywhere)!⠀

•Producer and multi-nominee, @juanpvegaoficial “addressed the recent surge in violence against Indigenous Colombians by paramilitary groups” by walking the carpet with a sign reading "En Colombía nos están matando" ("In Colombia they are killing us").⠀

We salute these bold artists for their #RADvocacy (Redcarpet ADvocacy) and for using their platforms to fight for what they believe in🙌⠀